Put Your Palms Together, and Pay Attention to This Little Detail

3. If Your Left Palm’s Line Is Lower Than Your Right Palm’s

Do you happen to have a lower left love line? Well then, hello you old soul! People often remark how you seem to be so much more mature than your peers- and they’re right. Like the wise old owl in every fairytale ever, you possess an intrinsic sagaciousness and remarkable insight that is to be applauded. Not one to follow like sheep, you dismiss the futile trends of your generation and instead opt to live life on your own terms and rules. You follow an old code of respect and chivalry that can charm the most jaded of souls. Highly intuitive, people often accuse you of possessing a sixth sense that rarely serves you wrong. You are generally attracted to older people, as they seem to run more on your wavelength than your peers.

So, what secrets of your love life did your palms expose? Now don’t be coy, we know you’re scrutinizing those cupped palms this very moment. Beware though budding palmist; palmistry is not only uncannily insightful at times but also dangerously addictive. But oh well, all’s fair in love and war, ain’t that so?

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