Say Stop To Your Cracked Heels With This Amazing Homemade Remedy!

5. Vaseline and lemon juice

What to do

Soak your feet about 20 minutes in warm water. Rinse and dry pat. Add a tsp of Vaseline with 3–4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix well with each other. Use this mixture on your heels and other pieces of your feet that are cracked. Wear a couple of woolen socks and let them sit overnight. Wash in the morning with warm water.

How often: before going to bed regularly.

Why it work

Vaseline acts as a moisturizer, and lemon juice citric acid promotes skin peeling and new skin cells regeneration.

6. Epsom salt

What to do

In a foot basin, add half a cup of Epsom salt to warm water. Remove well. For 15 minutes, soak your feet in it. Scrub to remove skin that is dead.

How often: two to three times a week.

Why it works

Epsom salt softens the skin and reduces inflammation. The sulfates help the cells to flush toxins and heavy metals, ease pain and help the body eliminate harmful substances.

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