The natural home remedy for cellulite requires only one simple ingredient

The abundance of minerals it contains, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, stimulate the blood circulation and support the elimination of excess body fluids. This vinegar prevents fluid and water retention around thighs and stomach.

Apple cider vinegar’s healing properties have been known ever since the ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. Besides reducing cellulite, it can also stimulate weight loss, and prevent bloating.

ACV For Cellulite

To prepare this home remedy for cellulite, you need to mix apple cider vinegar and water in 1:2 ratio. If you like, you can add some honey. Rub the prepared solution on the skin areas with cellulite, and let it stay for half an hour before washing it with warm water. Do this 2 times a day, until you notice positive results.

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