Every day we use different spices in order to flavor up our meals, and many of them also offer a variety of health benefits. Such as, oregano is a powerful antibacterial agent, while turmeric can fight inflammation and reduce the symptoms of asthma. But, adding only a pinch of a herb or spice to your meals won’t help you benefit from it. In some of the cases, only taking supplements can significantly boost your overall health and really fight inflammation. Herbal teas are actually a great alternative to supplements, but in general, pills and supplements work best if you really want to improve your health and fight inflammation.
Ginger to fight inflammation
According to some studies made, the ginger can relieve morning sickness and neutralize the side-effects of chemotherapy. They have also found that ginger extract works far better than Dramamine in cases of motion sickness. In order to treat this unpleasant problem, add ¼-1 teaspoon of ginger extract in a pot of water and drink the tea with some honey. You can as well take 500 mg. of the extract in the form of pills before travelling or 4 hours before the trip’s end. But, you will need to be wary of ginger in cases of pregnancy. Do not use more than 2 gr. per day to treat problems such as morning sickness, but never anything more than that.