Top 15 Tourist Attractions in China

15. Huangshan Mountains

Tourist Attractions in ChinaHuangshan Mountains was located in Anhui province in eastern China. The Huangshan Mountains was also in UNESCO world heritage site and are one of the most popular tourist attraction in China. The height of 78 peaks was exceeded to 1010m. The rocks are covered with a pine tree. In the area of Yellow mountains, they are also called. There are 2 lakes, 16 thermal springs, 3 waterfalls, and 25 streams, On the top of the mountains there are also hotels for tourists and for climbing, there are also Paths and Funicular.

14. Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tourist Attractions in China

The gorge of Leaping tiger was a canyon in the Sino Tibetan mountains on the Yangtze River. It stretched for 16km, in a place where the mountains have reached a height of 2010 meters. This attracts was rafting enthusiasts. The Gorge was got its name because of tiger jumping and legend over the river. Nashi people were living here in this area. Who grow corps and provide services to the visitor. The scenery was in these places is magnificent.

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