Top 15 Tourist Attractions in France

France is one of the most visited countries in the world which developed its infrastructure and excellent opportunities for recreation. The main attractions here are architectural monuments, natural beauty, museum collections, and Gastronomic delights that are stored in a huge number of world masterpieces. Here are the Top 15 Tourist Attractions in France.

Tourist Attractions in France

Paris is known as one of the most romantic cities in the whole world. The city beauty will always stand apart or tourists that are trying to visit this capital are the first place. Newlyweds dream couple is spending their honeymoon here. The couples with children show kids to the wonderful world of Disneyland Paris. The second item here in the travel program is castles and palaces scattered throughout the country’s natural beauties of Normandy and Provence.

15. Sainte-Chapelle

Tourist Attractions in France

This chapel was built on the island of Cite in Paris. Although this chapel building that’s belongs to the Gothic style it was “light” and “airy”. It’s all about the stained glass window shimmering in the sun and rising almost to the entire height of walls. They depict several characters. To understand them you will need to use a TV screen installed in the Saint-Chapelle. The painted columns supported the arches of the upper chapel.

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