Top 15 Tourist Attractions in France

12. Colmar City

Tourist Attractions in France

Colmar is the most beautiful city in Alsace and old areas are being well preserved. At the first visit, it seemed that he was is in the scenery of the starring of fairy tales. Fishing Quarter and Little Venice are the most interesting parts of the city. The climate of Colmar contributed to development winemaking. The six museums were also open that are including in a Unterlinden Museum. Almost every month of the year there is a major festival.

11. Etretat Cliffs

Tourist Attractions in France

The name “Etretat” was translated as “the farm of setting sun”. Such a poetic name is in a compartment with an unusual appearance of rocks that has always attracted travelers. Noble people will be rested here writers and artists drew inspiration. The cliffs were rises of eleventh meters, there is also a snow-white and have bizarre shapes. That has several natural arches.

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