1. Cleansing
The vagina has a natural discharge and oils. In reality, these are not bodily waste products and are, in fact, important in keeping the vagina protected against infections. Having these natural discharges is actually a natural process wherein the vagina self- cleanses its surfaces.
Excessive washing and using feminine wash and soap strips the protective barrier created by the discharges. Although it may feel comfortable having scented genitalia, it actually leaves you more prone to infections that will, later on, produce odor and discomfort.
To properly cleanse the external genitals, what you need is warm water and a bar of mild soap and remember to rinse the soap suds thoroughly. You also need to avoid cleaning the internal genitalia. Cleanse the vagina only when necessary such as after a comfort room trip.
2. Menstrual care
During menstruation, it is natural that a woman feels uncomfortable especially with the wet and potentially bad smell feeling. A lot of women do douche to clean even inside the vagina to really have that clean feel.
However, douching pushes bacteria and other menstrual debris back into the reproductive tract. This will ultimately lead to developing the pelvic inflammatory disease that is very painful.
What a woman must during the red flag days is to cleanse the genitalia with warm water and mild soap just like on normal days. In choosing pads and tampons, it is best to choose unscented products to avoid exposing the genitalia to a lot of chemicals.