Top 6 Basic Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

3. Odor Care

Every woman has a unique natural scent. This odor is healthy and naturally occurring in every woman’s body. The use of feminine sprays and deodorants is promoted to cover up that smell but you must know that using it will not make the smell go away.

It is only masking the natural smell but it is still there. If you must know, this smell does not go beyond your clothing and is rarely detectable to the people you are with.

If you think you have an abnormally strong scent or that it smells fishy down south, then it is most likely that you are suffering from a genital infection like bacterial vaginosis. You must be checked by a doctor at once because only antibiotics can clear it up.

4. Clothing Tips

The vagina is naturally moist because of its normal secretions. To make these secretions evaporate, wearing clothes that allow good airflow is a must.

It is important that air can flow to dissipate the collection of bacteria and fungi in the area which can cause vaginal infections.

Cotton underpants are highly recommended and so are those with cotton crotch linings. Do not wear wet bathing suits for a long period as well as leather pants, spandex, and other tight clothing.

When you are sweating a lot, such as after a workout, change clothes immediately including underpants.

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