Dandruff is a nettlesome problem which attacks almost 50% of population and its hallmark signs are itchy and flaky scalp.
It can be embarrassing, when you are dressed up for an interview or a formal dinner, and a little scratch on the itchy scalp throws a waterfall of white flakes over your dress.
The causes of dandruff include dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, sensitivity to hair products and the growth of a specific type of fungus that lives on the scalp. Dandruff sees no borders and can effect population across the world – beyond gender, age and race.
To treat this monster there are many OTC products in the market like shampoos, creams or hair masks etc. But there are some powerful natural remedies available directly in your kitchen that can cure this pettish dandruff.
By the end of this post you will be knowing the top 8 remedies that will permanently wash away all your dandruff and scalp problems.
1. Lemons
Lemon is very basic home remedies for treating dandruff. Citric acid in lemon helps the scalp skin restore its pH level. This helps to control oil production on the scalp to prevent the growth of yeast cells.
Lemon is also a rich source of vitamin C and powerful antioxidants to fight free radicals that cause oxidative damage and encourage the formation of healthy scalp skin.
How to use
Lemon juice can be directly applied to scalp or adding coconut oil, which is a natural anti-fungal agent, can increase the efficiency of lemon juice.
2. Yogurt
Another commonly used home remedy for dandruff is curd or yogurt. This dairy product is very effective in controlling inflammation on the scalp and provides relief from itching.
Experts believe the presence of lactic acid in yogurt breaks down dead cells and clarifies the skin of your scalp. Yogurt can also smooth your hair and nourish your pores by preventing dryness.
How to use
Take yogurt at room temperature and apply it on you scalp, massage it for 2-3 min and leave for 30-40 min, then wash your hairs with normal water.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is an excellent natural remedy to get rid of dandruff. Aloe vera is loaded with many anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents that inhibit the multiplication of yeast or bacterial cells.
The anti-inflammatory properties of this ingredient may aid in offering quick relief for better wound healing. Aloe has high water content and proteolytic enzymes, which can moisturize your scalp and protect it from dry dandruff.
How to use
Take a fresh leave of Aloe Vera and extract the gel, apply this gel on your scalp in circular motion and leave it on overnight or for 2 hours before washing your hairs.
4. Tea Tree oil
Tea tree oil is an excellent remedy in treating skin and scalp diseases. It has been used in Ayurveda for the treatment of skin problems ranging from acne to psoriasis for years.
Tea tree oil is effective in fighting specific strains of fungi that can cause both seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
How to use
You can mix tea tree oil with your shampoo or mix 2-3 drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil. Apply for 1 hour and wash after.
5. Neem water
Neem is well known for it’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help your scalp to stay dandruff free and healthy. Neem water treats your dry scalp, dandruff, and help in hair fall issues also.
You can also use neem oil and mix it with coconut oil before applying.
How to use
Take few neem oils and boil it , let it rest and cool down. Rinse your hairs with neem water.
6. Coconut oil
Coconut oil can counteract fungal infections that can cause malassezia. This, in turn, can reduce the occurrence of dandruff and scaly skin.
Coconut oil can also reduce inflammation and pain. It can be helpful in cases of dandruff related to psoriasis and other skin diseases.
How to use
Lukewarm your coconut oil and apply on your scalp and massage well. Leave it overnight and wash in the morning for better results.
7. Onion juice
Onion juice has been used in Ayurveda for years. But recently the markets have started using onion juice in hair products predominantly.
The onion’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can help your hair grow or enhance its healthy appearance.
How to use
This is very simple to use just take few onions and grind them well, seperate the watery content and apply directly onto your scalp with a soaked cotton ball. Wash after 40 min.
8. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy which is in use for years in cooking and medicine. Many claim that it can relieve a wide range of health complaints.
Researches has shown that it may provide health benefits, such as reducing weight, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving symptoms of diabetes
It helps in treating dandruff by balancing the pH of your scalp naturally and stimulates shedding of dead skin cells. It also helps in reducing fungal growth on your scalp and hair.
How to use
Take 2 tsp of ACV and mix in one jug of water, rinse your hair thoroughly after wash.
Use these remedies on your own or pair with over-the-counter products such as anti-dandruff shampoos to maximize healing effects