2. Sausage-Shaped, Smooth, and Soft
This is the ideal stool texture and signifies a healthy digestive system.
3. Watery, No Solid Pieces (All Liquid)
This is diarrhea, usually caused by an infection. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids in this case.
4. Sausage-Shaped but Lumpy
While not serious, this texture suggests you need to drink more fluids and eat more fiber-rich foods.
5. Soft Blobs with Clear-Cut Edges
This is still considered normal, but you may benefit from increasing your fluid intake.
6. Fluffy Pieces with Ragged Edges (Mushy Stool)
This texture is borderline diarrhea and may indicate that your stool is on the verge of becoming more liquid.
7. Soft and Sticky (Clings to the Toilet Bowl)
This suggests that your body isn’t absorbing fats properly. Conditions such as chronic pancreatic disease could be the cause.