Why is There a Pocket in Women’s Underwear?

Why is This Pocket Important?

You may wonder why this extra piece of fabric is necessary. The vagina is a highly sensitive part of a woman’s body, and even small changes—like using a new soap or wearing the wrong type of underwear—can lead to irritation or inflammation. The gusset helps mitigate these risks by making the underwear more breathable and providing a barrier against internal seams, which could otherwise cause discomfort.

Benefits of the Gusset in Women’s Underwear

The gusset plays a vital role in maintaining vaginal health by:

  • Enhancing breathability, which reduces moisture and keeps the area dry.
  • Protecting the skin from friction caused by underwear seams.
  • Reducing the risk of bacterial overgrowth and yeast infections.

Without this feature, you’d be more susceptible to irritation or infections due to the lack of protection. Gussets are often double-layered, and in more expensive underwear, they are sewn in with concealed seams for added comfort. In contrast, some cheaper underwear may only have one seam, leaving the gusset open at one end, creating the appearance of a pocket.

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